For the past years, the environmental sustainability and carbon footprint challenge is getting on the global scale. The major issues of environmental sustainability are wastes and emissions, energy efficiency and productivity. The goals for shifting the environmental paradigm to sustainability, are to meet human needs over the next generations while reducing hunger and poverty and preserving our environmental life support systems. The top priorities of environmental sustainability are clean energy and energy efficiency, pollution prevention, environmental reporting, eco-friendly design, waste management, and industrial ecology, etc. More and more companies are getting aware of the importance of the environmental initiative in business development.

Members of our team have experience in academic and practical environmental economics and strategy consulting. Our interdisciplinary approach together with our international expertise in the field of environmentalism and sustainability assures our clients to receive world-class services.

We conduct research and business assistance in the following directions:

 Pre-feasibility and feasibility studies

 Public policy papers

 Environmental and sustainability economics

 Environmental and sustainability strategies and management systems

 Water-energy-food nexus

 Climate change and economic activities

 Waste management policies

 Air assessment

 Environmental impact assessment

 Environmental audit

Clients: local and international energy and manufacturing companies, NGOs, investors, government bodies, municipalities.

Business Plans

Data by the Israeli ministry of economics, as well as private research platforms, confirm that for every 10 businesses opened in israel, between 8 and 9...

Why should I have a business plan?

A business plan is one of the most important parts in opening and running a business, and it might be the difference between business success or...

Legal Opinions

When claims are being made in court regarding businesses, employees and general economic issues, a good case requires specialization beyond the knowledge of the likely lawyer....

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